From the anime and manga "Gundam Thunderbolt," the Psycho Zaku has been designed with heightened proportion and features by mechanical designer Hajime Katoki. Unique aspects to this Gundam MG 1/100 Psycho Zaku (Ver. Ka) model kit include giant special booster seen only in the animation, completely articulated sub-arms that can fold into backpack, realistic joint and power pipe covers, and sole mounted-claws.
Product Features
- 1/100 Scale
- Made of plastic
- Part of the Master Grade model kit line
- From Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt
Box Contents
- Pieces to build
- Psycho Zaku
- Beam bazooka
- 3 Giant bazookas
- 2 Zaku machine haws
- 2 Heat Hawks
- 3 Storm fausts
- 2 Types of dispay stands
- Decals
- 10 Vinyl covers
- Springs for leg pipes
- Instructions